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The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare


Family planning or unplanned?

When things start getting a bit tight or we are in a survival situation the last thing we want to worry about is having a baby. The cost and work involved could be the difference between life and death. No medical staff available, loss of valuable resources and additional nutritional requirements makes reproduction an expensive […]

Clean and shiny

Next to your feet, some may say even before your feet, you need to look after your teeth.

Your teeth will be one of the key things that you will be unable to get fixed in the event of a survival situation yet you will need them to grind your grains, tear and chew at […]

A must have tool

A knife is a must have for someone looking at self sufficiency or survival. You can never have too many. I must confess I like knives and I have several different types and use them for slightly different purposes.

First of all I have several big knives around the house as a just in case […]

Rehydration Solutions

Every now and again something happens which can give someone diarrhoea. Sometimes this can be serious and may require rehydration or it can lead to death, sometimes in mere hours. If you have available some dioralyte or similar in your medicine cabinet then simply follow the instructions on the packet. What do you do though […]