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How we need to prepare



Botanical name: Inula helenium.

Part used: Root.

Action: Expectorant, alterative, antiseptic,Action tonic, astringent, diaphoretic, stimulant, diuretic, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, anthelmintic, cholagogue, tissue normaliser.

This perennial plant is a native of Europe and Japan. It is one of nature’s greatest remedies, and has been used for tuberculosis, oedema, asthma, etc., from very ancient times, of great value […]

Quarantine and Isolation

One thing that we should all be considering is how we look after our health after an event. We need to make sure that we treat wounds well and keep ourselves healthy.

I’m not a medical expert but the one area I am concerned about is disease rather than physical damage. We can prepare and […]

Update on Burdock

Additional Information on Burdock

Family: Asteraceae. (Daisy Family).

Uses: Hypoglycaemic activity.

Burdock has a two-year growth cycle. In the first year it has large basal leaves that are woolly and more grey colour on the underside of the leaves, greener on top of the leaves. In the second year it puts out a flower stalk […]


Botanical name: Stellaria media.

Common names: Adders mouth, Indian Chickweed, Satin flower, Stichwort, Tongue grass, Winterweed, Scarwort.

Action: Demulcent, Refrigerant, Healing nutrient, Alterative, Mucilaginous, Pectoral, Resolvant, Discutient, Laxative, Carminative, Expectorant. Constituents: Linoleic and silicic acids, saponins, rutin, flavonoids, iron, silicon, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and Vitamins A, B complex and C.

Part used: […]