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How we need to prepare


Alcohol in preps

A very versatile liquid and one that I recommend we all have is alcohol. It can be bought now in shops but because of the exorbitant taxes put on it by our puritan government it is very expensive to buy. That state will only get worse until, like tobacco, it’ll mainly be bought from the […]

Silent but deadly

One thing I think we can all agree on is that the unknown has a significant fear factor. It makes us careful and fearfull. It is something that we cannot discount.

This means areas such as biological, nuclear and nutter attacks create a fear for us and one not easily handled either. Because, certainly for […]

End of the Human Race?

Much has been written, and continues to be written about the die off rates after a societal collapse. The truth is there is no possible way of knowing, and stating figures is pure conjecture. It’s the facts that need looking at.

There are many things that can happen to cause a collapse, but only two […]

Body disposal in a post collapse world

Several people have posed the question recently of what to do with corpses, of which there will be many, post-collapse. There are views ranging from leave them where they drop hoping animals will deal with them, to funeral services conducted by …whoever, through to mass burials and cremation. There are circumstances that will most likely […]