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Feel you are the only one concerned about the future? Read Am I Alone?

This site will help you generate Shopping Lists and To Do Lists from your specific set of risks and concerns. The Get Started Here page, also available via the Toolbar, will walk you through it.

The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare


Your word is your bond

Not that long ago it was recognised that a persons honour, their life, depended on their word. Their word meant everything and it was given freely but not lightly. Business was made based on someone’s word and those that kept their word became successful. People fell on their swords over a dishonour and were expected […]

Bunker Down or Bug Out?

It is an age old problem for all people especially in a disaster zone. Do I run or do I hide? Preppers, Survivalists have to consider this choice when they are evaluating their own plans. There are benefits and disadvantages for both and you need to consider those.

The UK is a much smaller country […]

Look after the little things

This is one of my, many, failings. I continually leave little issues to one side until they blow up to be big ones. They then take a lot more time, effort and funding to resolve. Don’t put things off. Look after the little things and save yourself work.

This was brought home to me one […]

What items do I really need? Prioritising

Well, now you have listed every eventuality that you can think of that will impact you. I have now made a little list of those I think that we may have to cater for in the UK. Check your list here, have you missed any? have I missed any? Feel free to let us know […]