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How we need to prepare


The Biggest Threat to Us

With my internet problems I’ve spent a lot of time reading books and watching DVDs with a significant number being survival related. It has been interesting seeing several different scenaria played out and what the writers believe will happen after those events.

The early films and books show us all banding together and sharing. The […]

Technology gap

Despite the UK being *cough* one of the most advanced nations on this planet I have spent the last few days looking at some of the tools that are available here. It really is pitiful that tools we want, such as Geiger Counters, advanced Radios, etc. just can’t be bought here any longer. Sure you […]

Lists of lists

One of the areas where most of us are lax is in the area of making lists. Sadly, because I’m pretty anal about most things I have lists for most of my preps. Every bag has a list attached, every cupboard has a list inside and I have several lists of the items I want […]

Not quite a disaster

I like to be flexible and consider that I can adapt to many different circumstances. As well as trying to cover every eventuality I am firmly of the belief that most issues are what are called cascade failures. It is where one failure is followed by another small failure to make a much larger failure. […]