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How we need to prepare


Technology gap

Despite the UK being *cough* one of the most advanced nations on this planet I have spent the last few days looking at some of the tools that are available here. It really is pitiful that tools we want, such as Geiger Counters, advanced Radios, etc. just can’t be bought here any longer. Sure you […]

Keeping up with time

After an event I see one of the things we will quickly lose track of is the time and date. As we have discussed previously I think this a major hole in our plans as we will be unable to set up rendezvous and schedule calls over any significant periods. I’ve racked my brains to […]

Handy Items – Dental Floss

For those that don’t know Anto died a few days ago. This post, and the one next week, were submitted and scheduled before he died. Our condolenses go to his family and friends.

I get mine from the pound shop, you get 3 boxes each containing 40mtrs, making 120mtrs for a quid, well worth putting […]

Enhancing your life

At this point in your preps you will have covered most of the critical infrastructure you can. Probably in varying scales of completeness, with your own experiences and prejudices ensuring certain areas are covered to your satisfaction. There are quite a few areas that have not really been looked at which will enhance your life […]