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How we need to prepare


Pottering around

Continuing on the theme of biblical times there was not a lot of technology available then, so I’m told, and so there wasn’t much in the way of industry. Making tools from metal was the height of technology although making tools from clay was much more common. Clay being much easier to use and more […]

Playing around

Another weekend and another day with the baby. She has a bit of a cough today so we stayed in and played instead. As she normally plays outside I was expecting some complaint but it worked out OK. One thing about being young is that repetition isn’t so boring and so we played a few […]

Tying Knots – An essential skill

One subject that is a necessary part of many areas of life, self sufficiency and survival is Knots.

Knots are used to tie things down, tie them up, hold things together and there are knots that need to slip, knots that must not slip and knots that must be quick release and those that should […]

Survival Learning

Preparing for Survival is a different thing to learning for work or for a hobby. First of all you are going to be reading and watching lots of diverse and disparate topics. Most of which you will not be able to put into practise there and then. As we all know we learn more by […]