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How we need to prepare


Time to get the bike out

Today the sun was out and it seemed a good day to be out and about. Obviously others though so to and the road seemed to have more than its fair share of bikes. It’s clearly the time of year to get the bike out again.

Biking is a good way to get around locally […]

All at sea

A common theme between Libertarians and survivalists, or preppers if you prefer, is one where we get out of the clutches of big government. It is a pipe dream really. Government does not want to let us go because we are the productive part of society and we have to fund the rest. Of course […]

Reducing costs of driving in the UK pt 1

It is a very expensive business driving in the UK. Most of the expense though can be put down to the government. Taxes on owning a vehicle, taxes called licensing, taxes on fuel and taxes on the taxes. I’m not joking.

In a self sufficiency situation there is not a lot you can do about […]


Cars, we all love them. They enable us to get around without any real effort and no matter what the weather. What is there not to like?

Well, it seems that the only people that don’t like them are the green brigade. They seem to be doing something to the planet which must be stopped. […]