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How we need to prepare


Gun ownership rising

It seems that legal gun ownership is on the rise. More and more people are seeing that guns are not something to avoid but a valuable tool and either using them for vermin control and other farming activities or sporting use such as target shooting or just plinking. Only a few weeks ago I fired […]

Throwing rocks the low tech way

After some of the comments I’ve been looking at slingshots. I was surprised to find that I had an interesting time researching them considering that we are talking about two bits of string attached to a pouch. I was really surprised to see the ranges talked about are up to 500m and there are several […]

Choosing your air rifle

Choosing an air rifle, like choosing anything, is a very emotive subject. Each and every one of us has a view on certain things and that bias weighs the decision. That is why there are so many different versions of cars out there. Everyone of them loved by someone and hated by others. Air rifles […]

A must have tool

A knife is a must have for someone looking at self sufficiency or survival. You can never have too many. I must confess I like knives and I have several different types and use them for slightly different purposes.

First of all I have several big knives around the house as a just in case […]