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How we need to prepare


Learning from the unrest

I’ve been told there will be more riots tonight but I think it will be token. Although we should consider that this could be the nearest we get to a SHTF event. Or, at least I hope it is and as this is one of the events we have been preparing for and we should […]

Looking to the Future – Welfare

The next article in our series ‘Looking to the Future‘ is Welfare.

Even after an event there will be people who will be unable to work or who will require Welfare. Although it will be different to the Welfare we have now where people are currently able to sit idly around supported by others. The […]

Looking to the Future – Education

The next article in our series ‘Looking to the Future‘ is Education.

Education is a subject close to my heart. I believe it is the great equaliser and allows people from all walks of life to gain the necessary skills to compete at the same level as everyone else. So no matter where you were […]

Looking to the Future – Justice

The next article in our series ‘Looking to the Future‘ is Justice.

After an event society will be closer to the Wild West than modern times. Our Justice system will be in the same state as well and miscarriages of Justice will be frequent with the punishment brutal. I don’t think there is going to […]