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Feel you are the only one concerned about the future? Read Am I Alone?

This site will help you generate Shopping Lists and To Do Lists from your specific set of risks and concerns. The Get Started Here page, also available via the Toolbar, will walk you through it.

The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare


Are we alone?

The most common first contact I get from people via my contact form is the statement “I’m glad someone else out there in the UK is having the same concerns as I am.”

The contact emails then usually go along the lines that;

Their families/children think they are nutters They find the US sites to […]

Survival traits

I was talking today with a student who seemed to think that humans were the ultimate survivor. I disagreed. Although I agree that as a species humans have adapted our environments to suit our needs, we have developed housing, heating, transport and a million of things to improve our lot in life. We are currently […]


I’m not a fitness fanatic. I swim once a week, I walk several miles a week and I am careful with what I eat, preferring fruit to meat or vegetables. I don’t do silly things any longer and I am more than careful with what I do, looking when I cross roads, being careful on […]

Keeping your spirit up

One thing I always wanted to do but have never had the time to do is play a musical instrument. I want something rock and roll so that gives us the guitar or the drums. The piano, harps, flutes and trumpets all look too fuddy duddy. You can’t have a camp fire sing song with […]