As you are aware I’ve been looking at Bitcoin as a new currency. It looks good, it cannot be controlled by a Government as it stands and its transactions can be anonymous. I’m having a play although I do have some reservations.
If you want to send me some Bitcoins, anything at all, rather than let your 0.25 of a penny go to waste send it to me, by using the following address to send them to; 1Bzu6uor1m3jXFgHJ7uQzBvtCkkRKVvP3i
Alternativly, while you are using your computer you can run this program in the background. It’ll generate some blocks for me and all it uses is your spare CPU.
Click here to donate some CPU to generate Bitcoins for SurvivalUK
Read the articles on how it is progressing, search for Bitcoin although at this point I have decided it is of no use to us after an event it can be of use to us now though.