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How we need to prepare


Looking to the Future

Once it settles down after an event we will inevitably look to the future and start to build. It is just the way we are and our position of dominance on this planet is partly because of the thought put into that process. In the post ‘The real point of what we do‘ I have explained why we prepare for survival. In the series ‘Getting beyond living hand to mouth‘ I have looked at the first stage that will enable us to move on to a level where we will have time to look to the future and start work on it.

We all know that planning for something before an event is much better than reacting after. After all, that is why we are doing what we do. So, no different to you putting aside food and water, you need to put supplies aside now while we can for the future.

This series will look at each area I think you should consider at a very high level and try to identify what we can do now to prepare. Bearing in mind that a community can evolve in several different ways depending on the group make up and the personalities involved. You will have no idea what that will look like at this stage unless you set it up before the event, a situation that is very unlikely. So although some specific things we touch on could be irrelevant in some situations it is the general principle we are looking at. As your community evolves so these areas will need to be revisited.

The areas I see as the basis for any society, even on at a village sized community level, are listed below in the order I think they will emerge although some will clearly evolve together.

First one up tomorrow; Leadership.

6 comments to Looking to the Future

  • fred

    Water supply’s under infrastructure I suppose.

  • Skean Dhude


    Yes. Obviously you would have your own system for water at that point but this is more long term community related.

  • flashbaztard

    goverment? i think that is the last thing we need [prob why its last on your list!] they are the ones that will cause teotwawki
    as for finance, stuff the ‘bankers’ lets stick to bartering.
    when society gets back to that stage i think i will stay in my bunker thanks!

    ps written in humour! [but i stand by it!]

  • Skean Dhude


    It is inevitable. As we start to congregate and groups start to disagree we always set up a group to arbitrate and mae decisions for us. We should learn from the last 50 years and come up with something good. Term limits, yearly voting, clearly defined limits. We should do it right. Although I would be going into that much detail in the article but will touch on it.

  • Skvez

    Governments are required if you want to have a country wide application or systems. Small groups of militia are not going to build an aircraft carrier for defense of the country or procure funding for a reservoir.
    Government is not always evil, only when it takes power for the sake of itself.

  • Skean Dhude


    Exactly. Not the vast wasteful thing we have now but a minimal govwernment. At a certain level it will be necessary.