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Feel you are the only one concerned about the future? Read Am I Alone?

This site will help you generate Shopping Lists and To Do Lists from your specific set of risks and concerns. The Get Started Here page, also available via the Toolbar, will walk you through it.

The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare


Having a life

A few years ago I was recruited as a senior manager in a chemical company. It was a massive change and a learning experience which taught me a lot about many different things. I was lucky and have had a few good mentors in my life.

Although I work in IT I am not one […]

Expect the unexpected, not possible.

It is raining again tonight as our English summer draws to a close. It has come in handy as I was going to water the garden earlier and found that the girl next door, five years old, had knocked the tap off my water barrel when she rode her bike up my path to deliver […]

The spice of life

Well, maybe not ‘the’ spice of life but I was just relaxing after a nice meal and I was thinking of the tastes that were in there. Tastes that we buy in bags today and don’t think about where they come from. Most of the spectacular tastes we take for granted come from abroad. Some […]

Forum status report

I’ve been working on the new forum today. We have chosen MyBB and I’ve installed it. Just need to add the moderators, thank you guys for volunteering, and then start the threads going and it’ll be online soon.

Just got a few decisions to make about the categories and the threads before we can go […]