There are a few new Cheshire users on board now and a few requests for a local meet up so I thought I would set up a new meet near Chester for Sat the 21-Sep. Details to be decided. Anyone interested in attending then just send me an email via the contact form and I’ll make sure you get the details on how to get there.
The Scottish Group is off to a good start, the Bristol boys are starting to get it together so its time we started to get sorted out. Particularly now that we have a few more members in the area.
As usual I’m looking at just off the M56/M53 as the meeting point and am wondering if we just have a quick get together in a pub or a more prepper related social event. We can arrange a theme closer to the date. We have had a book weekend, a bow and arrow weekend and a simple get together so far. I’m thinking along the lines of something practical.
All welcome of course. First up though is anyone interested?
It’s good to see you are doing something in your own area and I do hope that it happens. If Bristol is able to form a Group, I think that what you’ve been wanting for SUK, will be fulfilled. It was an aim of yours from the begining. All we want now is for other Groups to form all over the country. However, your legs will get shorter , due to your visiting so many groups. lol! Joking aside, I hope we have more GRoups forming to make the Dream even better for you. Kenneth Eames.