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How we need to prepare


Using Greece as an example

With the issues in Greece showing what value democracy is in this century we have an opportunity to look at a country in chaos that is not caused by War. All other examples in our lifetime have been caused by War in one shape or form and are thus not viable for us in our […]

Out with the Plebs

Away last week and this on a course about dealing with people. Pretty interesting but mainly common sense and knowledge that I’ve picked up over the years so it has been more of a consolidation course and refresher.

So envisage this; group of 12 of varying ages between 30 and 60 and over several evenings […]

More social engineering screws up the self reliant

Our masters still desire to socially engineer everyone in the UK and are still using the global warming scam as an excuse to do so. Basically, because there are still a lot of dickheads out there that believe that humans are changing the environment and need to be instructed on what to do to ensure […]

Giving money away to those that need it more than you

Just been having a discussion about banks and I decided to have a look around at what could happen if Greece goes the No route today.

There seems to be two key things that will happen.

1) Greece will be screwed for some time to come and life there will be unpleasant. People will adapt […]