It’s bank holiday weekend. I’m all ready to go up to the woods and plant some more fruit trees and bushes as well as finishing off a few other things and it has been pouring down for the last few days and is even raining as I speak.
My plans did include down time where I spent some time inside doing the tasks I have put aside such as building brood boxes for the bees and other such tasks. Stuff I don’t need now but it needs done eventually.
I’ve not won the lottery again either so I still have to speak to friends and family and make sure everything mundane like washing clothes and tidying up is done.
As for today it looks like I’m going to be spending my time making brood boxes, building some frames for the raised beds and painting everything I can. As its a bank holiday I’ll probably slack off and spend some time browsing the web and sending emails out to people.
Bit of a wet squib. Although on the bright side, the plants are getting watered and we have plenty to drink. Global warming sure is wet.
Supposed to be good wearher from now on. You’d need underfoot and underwheel to dry out though. Vehicle might get bogged. Maybe a Humvee?