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How we need to prepare


May Gardening Tasks

I’m going to make this a seperate web page linked on the top bars so this will probably not be the latest version by the time I’m finished. I’m still collating the many books I have.

Here is May’s tasks for Gardeners.

There are no absolutes here so do not follow these instructions literally when […]

Veterinary medicine

Anyone that is considering looking after any animal, dogs, pigs, horses, chickens, among others, should also ensure that they are able to care for those animals in the event that they become ill or are injured. In this country we generally have a soft spot for animals. We generally try and treat our animals humanely […]

April Gardening Tasks

I’m going to make this a seperate web page linked on the top bars so this will probably not be the latest version by the time I’m finished. I’m still collating the many books I have.

Here is April’s tasks for Gardeners.

There are no absolutes here so do not follow these instructions literally when […]

Snails making a slow move in England

Just watched ‘Countryfile’ on the TV. It was full of the global warming scam which I would expect for the BBC. I was however interested in one aspect of it which was how one family grew thousands of snails in a small bedroom which they sold on to restaurants and private buyers. It wasn’t a […]