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How we need to prepare


Independence Day

I hope our American friends are having a good time over there during Independence day. It is a time to remember the heroes around the world who fight for our freedoms and not just our American cousins. We can all however appreciate the sacrifices these people make on our behalf.

Pity they don’t fight the […]

Special Treats

Most of us are living day to day and doing the most we can with our preps. Buying spare food and goods where we can and sacrificing treats for a future that is by no means certain. However, we see it as insurance, insurance that could mean the difference between life and death.

Every now […]

The 80/20 rule

I’m not skilled in a lot of things that I should be to ensure my survival after an event. I just don’t have the time to learn and a long time ago I resigned myself to that fact. I just wasn’t going to have the time to become proficient at so many things.

So, I […]

The new Gold

I’ve been away for a few days on business. This trip involved a lot of driving through Wales and I quite enjoyed the countryside. Very nice it was; even the flooded parts.

While driving I was surprised by the amount of land, homes and smallholdings that were up for sale. It appears that many people […]