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This site will help you generate Shopping Lists and To Do Lists from your specific set of risks and concerns. The Get Started Here page, also available via the Toolbar, will walk you through it.

The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare



There are some interesting discussions going on in the forums for those that don’t frequent them. One which I will expand on here is on caching.

Caching falls into three camps.

Simple Storage Hiding of Stores Prepositioning of Stores on a route to a BOL

I see simple storage as being like keeping your stores […]

Container Homes

Was out today visiting a smallholding which had a childrens play area and some farm animals. Very interesting it was. It was on about 6 acres and that looked a fine size for a gettaway place. This one isn’t much use for us as it is located right in the centre of a really bad […]


Software really is crap nowadays. I have just upgraded my version of VLC and now I find I can’t see the videos. Great. I guess it is because I am using an old Laptop atm. So much for backwards compatability.

It isn’t the only package that does this and although I understand why it is […]

April Gardening Tasks

I’m going to make this a seperate web page linked on the top bars so this will probably not be the latest version by the time I’m finished. I’m still collating the many books I have.

Here is April’s tasks for Gardeners.

There are no absolutes here so do not follow these instructions literally when […]