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How we need to prepare


The more complicated they make the plumbing..

.. the easier it is to block up the drains. Scotty – Star Trek III

My boiler has broken again. It happens as regular as clockwork and it is usually the same thing, a faulty circuit board.

To me a boiler is simple. It is a big tea pot with a heater at the bottom, […]

Wheelie Bins

Our local council is replacing all the wheelie bins with new ones as part of a new recycling initiative. They want to change the colours and redefine the contents to meet a new council directive. What a waste of money.

On the positive side this should free up a few wheelie bins which I find […]

What would you miss most?

Everyone in the West still lives a higher standard of living than we would if an event occured and I was wondering what I would miss most if there was an event and we were forced to live a more frugal lifestyle.

First of all I was thinking of things we do every day and […]

It was cold in there

For those that performed the heat tests I am interested how you got on. If you missed out try one next weekend.

I find this particular test very interesting because cold is something we don’t really experience. Sure we get cold over the winter when we are out and about. Even if you work out […]