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How we need to prepare


Aircrew and passengers

The fire alarm went off today. It was totally unexpected and so everyone thought it was a real fire and the office was empty in about 10 seconds, pushing and shoving to get people moving. I trailed along behind as I collected my USB stick and my coat before I went. I knew that outside […]

Prepping or hoarding

When I was younger one of the old guys up the street had a massive house with a mini barn full of wondrous stuff. The garden was an orchard which had a few old cars on bricks, a tractor and was guarded with guard geese. Boy could those give you a vicious peck and they […]

Black gold

More than anything else our society is based on black gold, mineral oil. Mineral oil is the black crude we usually just call oil and is not consumed but converted into other synthetic products for technology use. Organic oils are what we get from plants, also called oil but usually prefixed with type such as […]

A cat is not just a pet

Currently cats make us feed them and as a reward they let us pet them whilst they relax and claw our furniture. We let them in and out as they want and besides distain we don’t get anything else from them. As a cat provider, owner is a laughable term to a cat, I know […]