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How we need to prepare


Air superiority

I’ve just been reading that the government is looking at putting restrictions on model aircraft. I suspect they are worried about us building our own air force although with the current state of military funding they are probably looking at buying the kit themselves as an upgrade path.

Anyway it reminded me of a project […]


I’ve been reading a lot lately about how the public perceives guns in the UK. There was an article where someone was using a perfect legal air rifle to shoot rabbits in a field near a school. They had permission from the land owner and there was nothing illegal about the situation. Plod still sent […]

Self Defence Tools in the Nanny State

In the UK we have been disarmed. Although it has been put in place under the banner of saving the children we all know that it is really part of the world wide policy of disarming the citizenry and in the UK we always have to go that extra mile. Because of that certain air […]

Identify what you need to put aside pt 7 – Hunting

The next article in our series “Identify what you need to put aside” is Hunting.

This harkens back to ye olde days where the man of the family went out and trapped or tracked and killed animals for the table. Now of course we get others to do this essential role and we can then […]