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How we need to prepare


Avoid the Tooth Fairy

In the olden days bad teeth was a death sentence. Although we had less sugars and acids in our diet we didn’t look after them as well and usually people lost their teeth early in life, leading quickly to starvation, sickness and then death. Remember it was a long time before our lifespan went beyond […]


I’m not a religious person myself but accept that there are a lot of religious people around. People believe and, in general, that is a good thing as most religions support the kind of lifestyle that we believe in. They believe that you should be good to each other, don’t steal and don’t harm any […]

Top of the food chain

After an event most of us accept that our control at the top of the food chain will be disrupted. It may be temporary and we may soon get back up, in individual cases it may not occur and in some cases we may not be able to regain our status.

The differences between those […]

Mental issues

According to statistics mental issues are on the rise. Ranging from those that are insane and cannot function, which are thankfully few, those that are simply insane and still walk among us, which are also thankfully few, to those for some reason are classed as mentally ill for some reason.

This will give us a […]