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This site will help you generate Shopping Lists and To Do Lists from your specific set of risks and concerns. The Get Started Here page, also available via the Toolbar, will walk you through it.

The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare



Like many things there are continual arguments about whether a leader is born or made. I’ll put a stake in the ground right here and say that in my opinion a good leader is born.

Now it is true that you can take that raw talent and train them up to a level that will make them superb leaders and we have had some great leaders. It is rare for us to take someone with no natural ability and train them up to that same level. The issue is identifying who has that raw talent and putting them in a situation where it can be used.

This can come out in every day actions such as when you are out walking, camping or even shopping and there is usually someone that will stand up and take leadership. Although this can change quickly if they are useless and just have an inflated opinion of themselves.

The impact on us as preppers though is that we need leaders. Be it a small group or a large group we need someone to pick up the baton and lead. A leader is necessary for us to react quickly to situations. We should have a true leader, not some jumped up council clerk or a politician who thinks they are in charge.

Although I class myself as a Libertarian I do recognize that no social construct such as the Libertarian ideal is perfect. It is however imo the one closest to where we want to be. I also means that we all need to be leaders, at least of ourselves. That won’t work after an event as we are likely to need someone in charge and if we all went off on our own we would not be able to band together when we needed to.

So anyone that wants to be a leader, regardless of their skills in that area, should be a leader. Set up their own place and look after themselves. It is when they interact with others that they need to accept that others may not want to be led and the real test will come when they need the help of others and that is where they will find out that they are not the only one that believes they can lead. At that stage they will all want to be the Alpha and this could lead to an issue.

Who would make the best leader will be different with different situations. Very few recognised leaders are good leaders in all situations. In the old days when Rome was at its peak they had democracy but they too recognised that when Rome was threatened they needed a single minded individual to take charge until the threat was over. Of course being humans they didn’t always accept when it was time to pass control back but the principle remains. It is still practised in modern days in a different fashion when politicians decide to go to war they allocate a leader from the military to run the campaign. Nowadays of course we then back seat drive and screw it up.

In our situation though we have prepped, we have sacrificed so we have a better chance of survival and we don’t want to then give that away to someone who may very well decide to utilise our resources in a way we disagree with. We want control.

Myself, I accepted a long time ago that I want to be in charge of my little fiefdom. I’ll decide what to do with my limited resources and when I meet up with others we can negotiate how we will interface, more like partners than leader and lead. Then when the time comes that we need to have a single leader, we can decide at that point who would be best for that particular task. Who we believe has the knowledge and understanding to lead.

So how do we decide who is the best leader? Well, if I knew how to pick them I would be making a fortune out there where good leaders are hard to find.

Finally found a suitable bit of land

After several years of looking for just the right place, a home from home far enough away to make it a BOL but near enough to home that I can get there easy enough, I have found a nice plot.

I’ve made an offer on it, five acres of woodland out behind a dirt track about five miles away from my home in sunny Cheshire. More expensive than I wanted to pay but it is ideal and there really isn’t that much going in the area so prices are at a premium.


Plenty of room for my Bees, Chickens and all the other stuff I have in my back garden.

So it’s all about waiting now. Last time I was presumptuous and was over confident about a bit of land and I ended up with items stuck in my path that I couldn’t use because I was gazzumped at the last minute. Being careful this time.


I despair with our species. I really do. It isn’t just the fact that what is basic common sense seems to be missing from most of us it is the fact that we are legally obligated to protect these total dickheads from themselves. So that when I am giving advice to someone about anything I can be held liable if they do something stupid because they are simply too dumb to understand the consequences of what they are doing.

Many of the things we suggest or discuss on the Survival UK suite of sites have an element of risk of some sort. If we are dealing with peanuts then it is obvious to everyone that nuts are involved so why should I have to put ‘WARNING – May contain nuts’ May? What is going on here? Anyone that is allergic to peanuts and eats something labelled as a peanut surely is doing the planet a favour by effectively committing suicide. Why do we need a warning label on that?

Darwin had a theory where dumb people need to be removed from the gene pool for us to advance. (Perhaps that wasn’t how he put it 🙂 ) In this modern PC driven world we are allowing the dumb ones to survive and these breed and are the idiots that become SJWs. Too dumb to understand things that kids knew only 40 years ago but protected in a little cocoon by legislation. Sure, it keeps people alive but at a significant impact on us as a species. IQ dramatically lowered and a species that put men on the moon and has harnessed the atom for power needs written instructions that a packet of peanuts contains nuts. No wonder no progress has been made for decades. What is going to happen when many can’t read? Wait, they already have a solution they will simply ban it. Stock up on peanuts as they will soon be registered as a poison.

Now it makes sense that if I mix ingredient X with ingredient Y and both of them ingredients are harmless by themselves but together create something dangerous that I should include a warning of some sort somewhere. But if the article is labelled ‘How to create a toxic gas’ which then goes on to say mix ingredient X with ingredient Y then I think the warning is already in place. How much spelling out do you need? If the article is ”How to make sparkling wine from cow pats’ and I have to mix ingredient X with ingredient Y I should include a warning that it creates a dangerous gas. Not everyone understands what is going on in all cases and there is an obligation to point out what is not obvious.

I do question the sanity of people that go searching the internet for articles such as ‘How to make a compound explosive’ and then they die or even worse get hurt when an explosion happens and the blame is on the writer of the article all because it doesn’t contain a disclaimer or warning that an explosive can, err… explode and injure someone.

My personal belief is that adults that do stupid things are doing the world a favour. Removing their defective genes from the gene pool, raising the IQ of our species and reducing the load on our ecosystem is their gift to us and should be celebrated.

So to keep it simple.

Everything written on this site can lead to death, loss of limbs, sight, hearing, digits, puncture wounds, poisoning and broken bones not just on yourself but anyone you are close too or have met, looked at or thought about in the last 25 years or have other detrimental impacts on your lives and anyone you are close too which may include someone suing you or persecution by the authorities leading to imprisonment, massive fines in the trillions of pounds and you losing contact with your family and other loved ones. You may be extradited by a bureaucrat of any state on the planet, usually the US but not limited to them, by mere allegation, forcibly taken to a country where you will be tortured, have every single one of your rights removed, imprisoned for years without any evidence or a trial and then, if you live long enough, released with no compensation.

All this because you have read a single digit from a single article on this site.

If you do not understand any of this or are unwilling to accept the warning above then click here where you will be taken to the TV guide. Goodbye and don’t forget to take care whilst doing anything at all.

Interesting note I looked for some crafts for kids to put in the link and every one I found had scissors, twine or something that needed adult involvement in the making of. Many had no warning. I was shocked I tell you. That left TV if they ain’t dumb enough to eat the batteries in the remote although an adult could set it up and then leave them with it. Best I could do.

On the other hand if you accept that I am giving advice here that could be dangerous and should be checked and verified or should be performed with care then enjoy some of the more interesting articles on this site. All are there to help you and should be considered in your own personal circumstances. I don’t know if you have kids or kids visit your garden. So when I talk about putting sharp things in these places common sense should make you say ‘I can’t do this as my kids will get it’. Bleeding obvious and should be your responsibility. Plus it makes sense for everyone to check some of the more advanced articles with other sites as sometimes the level gone into here is at a basic level intended as a starter to get it on your radar and more advanced information is available elsewhere on the Interweb thingy.

Steady State Prepping

For many of us prepping is a way of life. It is something we do day to day and almost everything we do and plan we have considered the prepping impact of. For some it is a big unknown and daunting, especially when you are starting out.

When we start prepping we have an initial panic when we realise how much has to be done and we have no idea how much time we have. We prioritise what we do so we get the biggest impact on what we see as our priorities and within our budget. As time goes on we quickly realise that within a very short space of time we have increased our chances of survival significantly. It isn’t enough though so we look at what else we can do and what else we need to buy.

Time goes on with every step increasing our chances of survival with some making massive differences and some slight difference. Still not enough to guarantee but still improvements.

Eventually you get to the stage where the basics are done and although we are still reading up and learning we are pretty settled and the stuff we buy now is the more expensive stuff because, like life, as you get older and the basics are done then the more free money you have, the kids have left and the mortgage is paid off or a very minor amount makes any cash you have free. Some people spend it on holidays or new cars, we spend it on greenhouses, water turbines or new comms kit.

After you have been running in that state for a while you eventually settle into a nice routine. Read about something, add something to the preps, something tangible or learning something most days. Job changes, status changes, kids are all just part of what is happening that makes you evaluate your preps and prep even more.

Regardless of how much we earn we are never finished with prepping. There is always something else to learn, something else to do and there is always some new problem that makes you revaluate what you have done and what you are doing.

Prepping is a way of life, not just something you do like a career and once you are a prepper you can never really be anything else.

For all those just starting, it is never too late and everyone you talk too or read about started off like you once. You will soon get into the lifestyle.