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How we need to prepare


The Giant is restless

After the events in France there have been a number of people that have spoken to me about what is going on. I’ve even had a couple of preppers I’ve not spoken to for a while contact me just for a chat and an update because I’m not on the site much.

The events in France are a wake up call for the ordinary people and many have opened their eyes. Only the really indoctrinated, and there are plenty of them, and those who can achieve short term gain from the swarms invading our lands have anything good to say about those invaders and the repressive culture they bring with them. Unfortunately, those people are in the media and politics and control the agenda set out for us to see and so the sheep, the sleeping giant, are easy convinced because in their hearts they want things to be that way. They stick their fingers in their ears and go ‘LaLaLa’ to drown out the frightening news. Explains how none of these attacks go near the media or the politicians and only to us.

This time though they have stretched out, time will tell if they have overreached or not but I think they may have. The French are not like us. They will ignore their government and do something about it. Strike, violence and retaliation are just some of the potential responses from the masses regardless of what the government does. No wishy washy hand wringing on French TV will change the view of those who were already feeling that immigration was too much and that the EU is going down the wrong path. How it goes I watch with interest and wish good luck to the French on this one.

Over here though it already clear that the same old rhetoric about religion of peace, a few bad apples, etc. etc. is being rolled out and how in the *cough* gun free UK you can’t get these weapons, Yeah Right!, and from I can see some of the great British public is already rolling over and having a doze, it’s in France, what lots of things are having abroad. Different place no need to worry. I hear they even eat Horses, savages.

Our government is already making in low key with Chamberlai.. our illustrious leader trotting out the old excuses and making out that we can do something to stop it. Well, we can, but what he is proposing isn’t it. So not much chance he will allow us to get armed and defend ourselves which is a bit hypocritical while he increases the number of armed security surrounding him and his pals. The useful idiots though are left out with the rest of us although oblivious to the threat and their cloak of piousness protects them from all harm. How I laugh when one of those gets it like that dozy American one a few months ago. One less SJW to protect them and I’m sure some of her friends may have had a change of heart as well but knowing how dozy they are, probably not many. Never mind every one counts. If it only takes one SJW life it is worth it.

So, it’ll all be down to the French starting something off or we have to wait until we get our own atrocities of a similar magnitude and for those that believed it took government style planning to achieve then consider how many firms, individuals, etc. arrange much more complicated events every day. I bet most of us with an IQ above our politicians could organise events of this magnitude. The only issue for us would be the weapons and the explosives, oh and the dumb dickheads to press the buttons but our foes don’t seem to have any problems with any of those.

Personally, this may start the French on their path and have opened several people eyes but I suspect it will take a similar attack in the UK before we do anything. Our society is too far down the path of being turned into namby pamby hand wringers who cry at the slightest thing. So do what you can yourself and watch out because the increase in surveillance our government will put in place due to these attacks will pick you up and not the people that should be targeted. After all you are a selfish racist scumbag and they are poor oppressed people just looking for a better life.

Just because one side doesn’t think they are at war doesn’t mean they are not and our governments, well actually, all governments wars over the last few decades have made the world a much dangerous place they are still fighting wars against people that don’t want to die but these guys don’t care about that. It is just a stage of their lives, and the shitty stage I should point out, so they are happy to pay the price and exit with a ticket to a bright future. Idiots.

Planning for the future

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Using it I can see all the mistakes I have made over the years and have now worked out what I should have done in each and every case. Only thing is that most of them are for circumstances that I will never be in again.

I’ve had a few issues with the house basically because of decisions I made 20 plus years ago and although I appreciated that they might be problems in the future I always thought that it wouldn’t impact on me. Time has moved on and I’ve not moved as I expected to do and suddenly I find I have to do a lot of repairs to the plumbing as I have two showers and two sinks leaking at the same time from a junction between the two rooms because of the way the plumbing was installed by a old plumbing pal of mine which means that I have to rip out the old plumbing and then have to redecorate almost every room upstairs. A lot of expense for the plumbing alone never mind the redecorating.

It is at time like these I wonder whether or not to install a composting toilet and a grey water system but every time I come back to the situation that I do want to sell the house within a few years and neither of those would be a selling point. So I decide I won’t and then in 15 years I’ll be looking at it again and thinking the same thing. Maybe it is time to make a different decision. I’m going to look at all the options, maybe a composting toilet and make one bathroom out of the two which could give me another store room. 🙂 Maybe I shouldn’t be thinking that or I’ll be living in a warehouse and not a house. I’m already getting nagged because of the lack of space.

Just to rub it in as well as the plumbing inside I’ve an issue with the plumbing outside as in the drains. My garage roof guttering has been damaged somehow and the water is flowing out and flooding the back. Nothing major it just needs time. Nothing too big. Just some bits and some time. It is even something I can do.

What to do? I’ll have to make my mind up soon. My plumber pal finishes off his current job in a few weeks and he needs to buy in what I want.

It is all go though with the one constant though of being adaptable. Hence my tagline:

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. – Charles Darwin

The line between Hoarding and Prepping

I’ve just been offered the contents of an old friends garage now he no longer has the vitality to do his own mechanical work. The reason is two fold, one he just doesn’t have the capability to actually do the mechanical work required any longer and the other is he knows that with a modern car there is very little you can do on your own without a lot of very expensive kit. Just as the manufacturers planned. So why keep the tools.

So there I am in the garage looking at the kit that he has. I already have a lot of the basic stuff but with him refurbishing old cars as a hobby he has a lot of tools that I don’t have that I simply never used, or if I did need them I popped around to his and used them there. There is a lot of tools there for performing tasks on vehicles that I don’t know what they or for and can’t see me using.

In true prepper fashion though I took the lot home with me to my garage which is now looking a lot more like a storeroom and a storeroom like you see in the films where you open the door to face a big pile of stuff just waiting to fall out when you try to tug at anything.

As I was sorting the tools, you can never have too many spanners, screwdrivers, sockets, err… double flaring kits? WTF? I thought to myself, well I don’t know what it is but it must be of use to someone when we are working on vehicles after an event. So I kept it. Don’t know what it is or what it is used for but the item in boxed in my garage.

Keeping items I don’t know what they are for made me thing. Am I starting to hoard things under the guise of prepping? I do have hundreds of items that I hope I will never use and I do keep more things than I throw out. I do consider what they are and have given away or thrown out without a second thought items that I know I will never use.

Hoarding is a misused word that is used to put a negative spin on people like use putting things aside for the future. I ignore that and to me hoarding is keeping things for keeping things sake, like years worth of newspapers that are of no use or broken electronics that you cannot repair.

Tools though are handy for a lot of different uses and I do have a lot of those. At the very least I could barter my double flaring tool when I meet someone that knows what to do with it.

I need more space for my preps.


One of the biggest areas of concern in my prepping is my relationships with others. By relationships I mean that people I am friendly with or are related to that are not aware or interested in my prepping. People that do not know what I have or what I intend to do after an event.

It is an area of concern for me because I have several different relationships that are a fine juggling act.

  1. My Close Family
  2. The people that I am prepping for. The fruit of my loins, I hope, and the investment I have made in the future. In my case they know what I am doing but not all the details and don’t believe there will be an event at all. I hope they are right. I have put aside as much as I can for this group and have left instructions on what they should do in the event of my demise.

  3. Close Friends
  4. These are a mixed bunch. Many know about my prepping, they certainly know about the hunting gear and the survival kits. Not all know about the water, food and equipment in the loft and none really know the location of the caches at the other sites. I have spoken to all of these over time to understand their opinion on prepping and most of them are not interested. One or two are prepping on their own and these will be welcomed into my group if it comes down to it. The others may be welcomed depending on the circumstances at the time.

  5. Neighbours
  6. None of the neighbours know what I am up to. Some know me as that strange person that has chickens, bees and a veg garden. The rest know me as the strange guy with the pallets and IBCs up the drive. I’ve carefully touched on the subject of prepping with all of them and a couple have commented that it makes sense to put something aside but only food and water. Don’t know if they have or not. We have not discussed it since. There are a couple here that may be welcomed depending on the circumstances at the time. The others won’t be.

  7. Other Preppers
  8. There are several preppers that I know that live locally. I’ve been careful but they know enough about me to find my location if they don’t know it already. There are a couple of preppers who live a bit further away that definitely know my address. With their mindset and, hopefully, preps they would be welcomed. The concern here is what extended family would they bring if they decided to come here? This is a risk but would have to be dealt with at the time and the risk would depend on what preps they had and the people they brought. I see it as an acceptable risk but still a risk. There are other preppers out there I know that I would welcome if it came down to it. It is part of the reason I set up the sites so you could get to know other like minded people. It is unlikely they would make the trip but you never know.

  9. Old Friends
  10. These are people I have met on my travels through life that know I am prepping. I’ve lost touch with them and most don’t know my current address but they do know where I have lived. I’ve lived in the same area since I was ten so they all know a location within a couple of miles of my current home. Not enough to find me after an event and I can’t see any of them heading this way before an event either but I can see them considering it but the non locals deciding that it is too risky and not making the trip. The locals might visit though so I need to consider what happens then as there are many that may be welcomed depending on the circumstances at the time.

  11. Extended Family
  12. None of these know what I am doing. They won’t even think of heading my way but they could easily think of going to some of my close family. This is the biggest area of concern for me because my close family could even invite them along when they come as planned. Most of these people I won’t even know but all are family to someone in my Close Family Group. Excluding them will not be easy as they will be supported by people within my Close Family. However I know for a fact I wouldn’t be able to consider even just the locals from my extended families. I just won’t have the resources.

  13. Really Far Away Family
  14. None know what I am doing and none live close enough to even consider me or my close family worth visiting. Maybe if they are here when something happens they would be have to be considered but the risk is low. Worry about that when the time comes.

So when I say welcomed I mean that I will find them a place close to me, remember I’m bugging in primarily, where we can be a close knit group and work together. I want to be in charge though, certainly for the start, although I’m not a dictator I don’t want people making decisions on my behalf. If they have preps them that is their stuff and if not I will make them work for any that come out of my stores.

When I say they are not welcome then I mean that I’ll be asking them to leave and if necessary I will use force to do that. I wouldn’t want to but I am prepared to do so. We could always use some extra compost if things go too far.

When I will consider people I will take into consideration who they are, what can they bring to the group, have they got preps, how much? What is their intent, temporary alliance or a long term commitment. All those as well as the situation itself will make a difference. The situation includes what the weather is like, it could be winter, what is the actual event? Is it long term or short term? There is a lot to consider.

It is the extended family that come visiting that is my concern. What when they refuse to go because someone has said they can move in with them. When that someone is saying I’ll share their food, food that I am providing in my families case. Handling this will have to be done at the time because depending on who it is, what the relationship is and the situation this could lead to it will make a big difference to how it is handled. Perhaps even getting them settled in and dealing with it on the quiet over a period of time. This is my fear as we have links to some large extended families spread over the larger local area but all within an hour of here by car. Hopefully it won’t come to that but I have considered how many and there is no way I can prep for that many.