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The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare


How many do I buy?

One question that I am usually asked is how much should I be looking at storing? How many of those should I buy? If I had a single answer I could give I would make a lot of people happy. As it is the answer I usually give, and the only right answer, is as much as you need. Everyone has different requirements, different needs, different storage space, different amounts to spend and live in different situations. Note I don’t say invest but spend although I am tempted too say invest as only if anything happens will you see a return on your investment and it won’t be monetary.

Let’s start with finances. How much should I spend?

Well, as expected, that is up to you. How much can you spare? My view is that you have to enjoy your life and live now. I know some people that spend all of what they make on basic living. They put aside the odd item when they can and are slowly building up stocks. Those that have ‘spare’ money every month can afford to put aside a percentage of it and use that to fund the prepping. Take an amount that you are happy with and spend it wisely. Everyone thinks they don’t have any ‘spare’ money but spend some time unemployed and you will quickly work out what is essential and what is not. Most of us though have ‘spare’ money even when it doesn’t look like it. By watching what you spend and cutting back on non essentials you can create ‘spare’ money.

Now what should I buy?

Again, as I keep saying, that is up to you. It is recommended you buy what you eat so your preps are simply and extension of your current food stores. You go shopping weekly and buy a weeks worth of tins and perishables, simply continue to go shopping but buy two weeks worth. Now you have a weeks worth of prepping put aside. Repeat until you have enough for three months or six months. Of course nothing is ever easy and this is no exception. You can’t keep perishables for any length of time so you need substitutes and you need items that are not part of your everyday shopping, items like fire starters, water filters and tools such as weapons. Read around the site for a comprehensive list. But basically it breaks down into the following ordered categories;

  • Water
  • Food
  • Shelter
  • Extras – Items like water filters, sanitation, medical gear, weapons, etc.

Make sure you have the basics of Water, Food and Shelter before you start spending on extras.

Sometimes I am also asked how many should I buy?

People sometime think that have a single item is enough and in some cases it may be. Having a single knife that costs £250 and will never break is great but what happens if it is broken, lost or stolen or you need to let someone else take it for some reason. You are now knifeless. I’m all for paying for good quality but there is a case to be made to have cheaper items as you can afford more of them. Personally, I’ll all for a mixture. Buy good quality and quantity where you can and buy a quality item and several cheaper items when you can’t. Don’t skimp on the key items such as water filters and clothes. But make sure you have several knives with a few cheap ones.

There is a saying in the prepping world that one is none, two is one and three is two. Clearly the maths doesn’t work out but what it means is that you need spares as after an event you can’t just pop to the corner shop and replace the item. It also gives flexibility with a team. I’m loath to let someone else use my £250 knife but a £5 one won’t make me bat an eye especially if it is broken, lost or stolen.

So look at each item, how many do you need to last the rest of your life. One, two or even more. Then buy that and make sure you have some for spares and sharing as well.

Again, unsurprisingly, you need to make your own mind up on how many.

So as you can see everyone will answer these questions differently. You need to work out your own requirements for your situation depending on;

  • Environment – City, urban, woods around, etc.
  • Location
  • Group Size
  • Group Composition – Ages, skill set, etc.
  • Your finances
  • Storage situation
  • Knowledge

Look around the site and the forum. There is plenty of advice to help you out there on specific items to put aside with advantages and disadvantages to each. Just make sure you have plenty of food and water, everything else is based on you having that to live.

Adjusting your own future

Well we have seen the way that things are going and we can see what the stasi is doing as well. Both of these paths end in chaos and despair. We should always remember that our species is very adaptable and there is still the possibility that things can get back on the right track but considering that it is unlikely you can do anything about it what if it does go pear shaped and what can you do to shape the future very slightly in your favour at the least?

The answer to any question like this as always the same; You prepare and you practise.

Chance favours the prepared mind.
Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895)

Simply put although there are no guarantees in life and a societal breakdown changes the situation so that many more of us will be in dire situations on a regular basis. No law means that simply going out for some food will put you at risk. Chance becomes a much more significant part of the equation than it is now.

So improve your chances by preparing. Prepare for the eventuality of something happening that will mark TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It) and improve you and yours chances of survival. TEOTWAWKI can be many thing, Societal Collapse which is very high risk now down to Impact Event, SuperVolcanos like Yellowstone, Pandemics, even a limited Nuclear War, if nuclear weapons can be called limited, are just a few of the serious scenarios that could easily occur and leave us without societal support never mind the endless list of events that are minor to us as a species but significant to those caught up in them such as terrorist attack, chemical factory fire and other local like events that effect a small area but if that area includes where you are then you are in trouble.

So whatever event you are preparing for there are certain things that are universal for our species to survive; Air, Water, Food and Shelter. We must have those to survive in the climate of the UK year round. Although we do not have extreme temperatures during winter it can fall to -15 and in summer rise to 40+. So we must take that into consideration.

Let us look at the basics we would need for a societal collapse.


Air is pretty much a gimme unless you are preparing for a nuclear exchange so for our societal collapse we can work on the basis that we don’t have to do anything here.


Water falls freely from the sky on a regular basis throughout the year here and so far they have not found a way to tax or control that at this time. So it is currently free to use. However, we don’t want to be seen outside setting up tarps and sheets to collect this water too early on as this will attract predators. Plus if it is in the summer there might not be rain for several days. We could go to streams or a river but again we don’t want to be seen out. That is where the predators wait in Africa, by watering holes, for prey. You don’t want to be prey so we should ensure we have plenty of water for those initial days where you wait inside till it quietens down. Recommended is 2L per day per person just for drinking. So work out what you want to store and find somewhere for it. Water is heavy. Then once things have quietened down we can collect water from outside. The only issue must consider is that all our current water is filtered before we get it and that includes tap water. We have lost the ability to handle the harmful organisms and can easily get stomach upsets from drinking the water without treatment. There are several filter types available on the web to filter out these harmful organisms whilst you await a return to normality or build a longer lasting filter. Make sure you have at least two filters available just in case. Instructions on How to build long term water treatment filters are in the Water section of the Files Site.

We are making the decision here that we won’t bother getting washed for a while although I would recommend that you simply have a few packs of baby wipes and use them instead of your precious water.


There is a saying that you store what you eat and eat what you store. It makes a lot of sense. You don’t get stomach upsets, you know that you can eat it and it is something that you don’t have to put aside. Simply buy more of what you eat so you have several months worth of food in the house. It has several advantages you can buy in bulk, providing you don’t let it dip below your prepping amount, and you only have to go shopping for the perishables, milk, bread, etc. All of which you can do without if it came down to it. Of course, it isn’t as simple as just doubling up on everything till you have enough. After all we can’t make the assumption the electrickery is on and so we will not have a fridge, a freezer or even a cooker unless we make sure we have those items either running on gas, solar or something else. My advice is to have enough basics dried so you don’t need to cook or keep refrigerated and rough it for a while. Cooking gives off smells that hungry people could detect. Of course if you have the funds and the space stock up on gas and something like a camping stove for when things are better.


I don’t see Shelter being an issue unless you are really unfortunate. You should simply hole up in your own home and keep your head down using your own bedclothes, clothes etc. to keep warm. If the electrickery is out then just put more blankets, clothes, etc. on. Don’t have any then buy them now.

One major issue you may have depending on where you live is that if you live right next to a bunch of youths or in a block of flats then your chances drop dramatically because they will be more than happy to break in to your place and steal everything you have stabbing you in the process. If you don’t think that is the case read the papers, the society we had in the Blitz is long gone and now it is every man for themselves where people can get stabbed to death just for looking someone in the eye. This is a difficult one as you are tied by your job and families to certain locations. They may be high risk but you need to live. One option is to consider moving to another location at the onset of an event. Read more about Bugging Out here if you can’t move beforehand.

I’m planning on staying at home and have looked around my neighbours gardens for items I can use; Who has a raised bed, pond, rain harvesting system, ham radio aerials, solar panels on the roof. Get a local map and mark these places on it for when you can get out and about and scavenging. Don’t forget to mark when the local bikers den is.


Of course once you have the basics there are many other items you should consider adding to your preps. Here are some in my order of priority;

  • Sanitation – Composting toilet pref or at the minimum a chemical toilet for the first few months. Soaps. You could get away for a while in a remote location or storing but you must be careful of contamination. Read more about Sanitation here.
  • Medical Gear – Basic medical supplies. Bleach. Bandages. First Aid Book.
  • Seeds – To ensure that when the preps run out you have the seeds to grown next years crops. You may already have a decent garden but you can’t count on there being anything being left there. I have recommended that as soon as it is clear there is trouble you cut down everything in your garden. At least that way they have a chance to grow back.
  • Defence tools – At the least a machete. Some knives and something like a pike.
  • Cooking gear – Camping Stove and Gas. Wood burner. Kelly Kettle.
  • Hunting gear – Get yourself a shotgun for pigeon and rabbit shooting. Bow and arrow or crossbow. Some traps, etc. If by the sea or a well stocked body of open water then some fishing gear.
  • Power – Solar or Wind power may not be good enough now but it will be great after an event. You can use this to get a radio going or power a computer to access some PDFs from the library.

Once you have the minimum level of basics then you can start building up the rest which imo are nice to haves and not necessities. Add more basics then extras while you can. Rotate so you don’t end up with a lifetime supply of mints and no medical gear. Buy a little of something then next time a little of something else when you have free funds. Browse the rest of the site for some suggestions.


Having the goods is one thing, a very important thing, but it is not everything. Practise living off your preps every now and again. Use you camping gear, switch off the electrickery and try living without it. You don’t want to find out after an event that the cooker you bought needs a special gas canister, one you don’t have. Learn how to start fire from flint, how to skin a rabbit, how to use a bow and arrow. Remember that the most important thing you have to aid your survival is your mind. Use it and practise with it.

Practise makes Perfect.

Be the Grey Man

In our highly monitored and restricted society, one we call the free world ironically, you need to ensure that the funds and effort you put into prepping are not wasted. It is almost impossible for us to live off the grid. The stasi will always want a cut of everything you do so the best you can do is keep your head down and hide within the other 60M plus on this island. While they have 60M people on the radar you don’t rate high enough for an investigation.

This could simply be as simple as your neighbours knowing that you have food simply come around and take it. In our society I would not rule out Plod coming around and taking it either. Keep you head down and be the Grey Man. The man nobody sees or remembers. Don’t buy everything in one store, use cash. Remember that in this mickey mouse country you can’t defend yourself or you are the one carted away by Plod so you want to avoid having to defend yourself by making yourself invisible.

Finally, remember OPSEC (Operational Security). Always consider what you are sharing with others. Ensure you read more about OPSEC here as a high priority. It is well worth knowing about right at the start.

Breaking the mould.

The whole world is going to pot. There was nothing that we could do about it as individuals, I know I’ve tried and a very frustrating few years that was. Our future, and all of our children’s futures, was in the hands of self serving madmen who can only see what is directly put in front of them. They do not have the capability of rational thought and are supported by a small but very effective army of SJW’s. The minions of the PC world. Those at the top and the SJWs have no concept of common sense. No remembrance of history and are so dense that they can hold two conflicting thoughts in their minds at the same time and fully believe both. It is a car crash waiting to happen and we must accept that.

When I first recognised this situation I started to get involved in politics and was quite confident about it. After all I had facts and figures, lessons from history and was experienced in laying out facts to explain a situation and/or theory. Was I disappointed, the SJWs simply ignored any facts that did not suit their agenda and just lied about others. You would spend days on an online discussion with one who instead of admitting defeat simply went back to reargue another part or simply stormed off saying that you were twisting or making up facts when there was nothing else they could say. Where it went wrong was 10 minutes later along would come another with pretty much the same argument but with subtle differences and it would start again. One SJW could tie you up for days with a few questions. In the end I simply gave up. They literally are too dumb to educate. I’m past talking now and waiting patiently for the violence.

The sad part is these people actually believe that what they are doing is good. They have good intentions and if everyone else did too then their utopia would work. Well, it would but it would be a soulless utopia. However, we will never get there because human nature is just not geared up that way. The nature that drove us through the last few thousand years of this planets history made us fighters, desperate for more than just living but striving and wanting to be on top. This nature took us from scrambling about in the mud fighting animals for food to people that walked on the moon. Then some people decided that they were living well, everything was going good and that some of these rich bastards should give away some of their hard earned cash to others who were unfortunate. Who could argue with that and the social security culture was born. As soon as people realise that people will pay them foir doing nothing then they will have their hands out. This generated a new career structure. Layabouts who knew how to squeeze everything out of the system and based on a skill that almost anyone could do. Having babies. More recently we have even expanded it to those that can’t have babies in the name of equal rights. The knock on for this is that those who had brains and wanted to wait were paying for those that didn’t want to and so they had to wait longer. Knock on from that is the lowest IQs were the ones having the babies. This is dragging the planetary IQ down. We as a species were artificially changing Darwin’s theory about evolution but one of the big problems with things like that is they can’t last. You cannot beat evolution. Now this culture is being expanded across the globe there are just too many people with their hands out. Contributing fuck all but happy to live off the toil of others.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C.S. Lewis (1898 – 1963)

You have to remember that these SJW are not malicious, they are caring people. Just deluded and too thick to see they are being used by the elite as a way to force their views through. Minions, like minions through the ages, that are disposable so it matters naught when they get killed as a result of their masters biddings as long as the masters are safe.

The others pouring in also cannot be blamed. They live hand to mouth working dawn to dusk for a fraction of what we do and someone comes along as says go over there, they will give you 100 times what you earn here for doing nothing. What would you do? Personally, I’d be ready to go.

I liked it when we had ambitious plans to bring them up to our level. That was a good plan, the SJWs went out and were terminated abroad for their stupidity with no risk to us while we send out guarded teams who installed infrastructure like water and power plants, irrigation and sanitation facilities and educated them to improve their lot. Sadly as our government gets involved in this and everything they touch they fuck up most of the money is not used productively and so we need to throw more and more at in in an ever decreasing cost to benefit ratio. The more we send over the less it buys. Sending money is never going to fix the situation. Education and Power are the key components and we are doing very little on either.

Meanwhile back at home we have decided that bringing them over here is much better but we underestimated how many of them wanted to come and now we are inundated with them. On the plus side that has made many people who previously were indifferent to suddenly take an interest but tied by the law which stops us stringing up politains we are left simply whinging and whining about it. These people are now starting to stand up and be counted and the SJWs no longer just have a few people to attack, there are thousands now. Even better we are using their tactics against them which I have advocated for a long time but was told we cannot stoop to their level. I compare this to English Gentlemen setting up for a shoot out at dawn. Facing away from each other they start to take 5 paces and after the first step the SJW turns and starts shooting our English Gentleman’s friends shout ‘Carry on Nigel, don’t stoop to their level.’ and next minute our hero lies dead on the floor. ‘At least he stuck to his principles.’ says our side while another one of us is rubbed out. No wonder we have been losing up to now. We really are stupid in our own way by thinking that they fight fair. Fight Fire with Fire is what is said (Makes no sense to me our fireman don’t have flamethrowers). It is now good to see our side is fighting back.

Might be too little, too late for many but it is a start and in my view it is enough to make sure we as a society eradicate the curse of socialism and it’s equality for all. So looking good for the future.

However, this still leaves now and us personally. The mould is starting to get chipped away so how do we shape the future around us to be more like the way it was 30 plus years ago and leave us happily living in the present.

More coming in Adjusting Your Own Future.

The Shape of Things to Come

This is just my view of the future. I’ve thought it for a while and have mentioned it on many forums and in person. Everyone agrees with the core principles but just says It won’t happen anytime soon nor will it be averted.

I don’t believe that. I believe that technology can avert most of our issues over the next few centuries and provide a stepping stone for the future of our species but it just isn’t happening.

Lets start with the basics.

  • Over the last 20 years the whole word has been following a socialist agenda involving installing a PC society.
  • This included the usual money distribution from the workers to the slackers.
  • Our Politicians have become professional liars and crooks.
  • Our corporates have adapted so that there are no new R&D and simply concentrating at squeezing more money for upgrades.
  • Our standard of living has decreased due to rising costs and stagnant wages.
  • Unskilled jobs are no longer abundant but scarce whilst educational standards fall.
  • The national minimum wage makes some tasks impossible.
  • Freedoms are being eroded under several different calls; Terrorism, Global Warming, tax evasion.
  • We have fuel poverty, wage poverty and several different poverties (But no tax poverty funny enough)
  • We live in an age where most people think that someone investing their time and money to start a business risking all and employing people while making a paltry 4% is obscene while the government taxes us at 75% for doing fuck all.
  • We live in an age where people can get hounded out of their jobs by SJWs for simply doing something that a bunch of limp wristed panty wringers don’t like.
  • We live in an age where people are so stupid that they will do themselves out of something as long as they believe that someone else is getting penalised more.
  • We live in an age where the average person is so dumb that they cannot actually consider facts and extrapolate them out to form their own opinions. Everything they believe is given to them by the media and, importantly, they believe it.

I believe that there are a few simple things we could do to get out of this mess but people will simply not bite the bullet and make the sacrifices necessary. They would rather that they went like lambs to the slaughter all the time believing that the farmer means them no harm.

So, fact number 1. People will not do anything that is not forced upon them by a third party, namely the government.

We, as a society, will not change our ways in the slightest to avoid a bigger catastrophe down the line. A bit like when you get a cut. I’m too macho to treat it. It becomes a weeping sore but It’ll be OK and before you know it you are in hospital with blood poisoning. Forced there by necessity.

Fact No 2. Life is different now. We don’t know the basics about helping ourselves and how to look after ourselves. Every little thing is treated by a doctor or left until it works itself out or you are forced to go to hospital. We can’t do simple sums to balance our finances and we will spend a fortune on Sky TV whilst not paying the mortgage or rent. Common Sense isn’t that common.

Fact No 3. Gone are the days when all you had to do to make money is be prepared to put in a days graft. These jobs are all automated as the minimum wage makes it cheaper to invest in machines rather than people and if you are unskilled you can’t get a job unless it is working in the NHS or the council.

Fact No 4. Everything is governed by rules and regulations. Some of which are so harsh that you get a massive fine for overfilling your rubbish bin while criminals literally get away with a slap on the wrist for GBH. Couple this with all the rules and regulations around setting up your own business and you need a good sum of money just to set up a lemonade stand.

So with most of the population being on the breadline as there is less work, and thus less feeding into the social security pot who is going to buy all the goods the skilled workers are making. All their spare cash is being taken from them in taxes. It would be OK if they had spare cash to spend but they are effectively out working to keep their family plus another, whom they don’t know. People simply cut back to the necessities and so businesses go to the wall. Very few businesses actually sell necessities.

Fact No 5. The current situation is unsustainable. It cannot go on.

Interestingly enough the debt issue is a self inflicted one. From what I can see, not being an economist or a banker, is that we set up a bank to help countries that needed a bit of financing. We are called upon to fund that bank and at the same time we can call on the funding. So we have to put funds in there for people whilst at the same time we have to borrow from that same bank to lend to this third party. Thus Greece owes us £xBn, and Germany £yBn and we owe Germany £zBn. If someone defaults, Hello Iceland, then fuck all happens and the world simply carried on. While in the EU we continue to play the game. It’s beyond parody.

Fact No 6. The whole set up is artificial. It is there for control only.

Currently we have stagnated. I’ve said this elsewhere and so far nobody has been able to prove me wrong so they start arguing semantics. We as a species have not made any advances in the last 20 years. Everything we have done is based on R&D done over 20 years ago and are simply improvements to what we have already. OK. There are some good ones but where is my toilet that analyses my waste and tells me to go to the doctors? Where is my home fusion reactor that powers, very cheaply, everything I do. Where is our automated mining gear that we send to asteroids and bring back all the elements we need to progress.

Fact No 7. With no progress we are stuck on this rock with limited resources and expansion capabilities.

We do still have a lot of changes we could make. We could start going underground and leaving the surface for growing food but we are not yet running out of arable land. We have the capability, if not the will, to convert deserts to oasis’s, just look at what the Israelis have done with Israel. We still have plenty of space for what we need to do but eventually that will start to run out. Probably our first real issue won’t be Oil which we can work around that with alternative power and substitutes. The market price making us develop alternatives, which we should really be doing now. Our first real issue will be Water. We have a limited supply of water and as well as us needing it we need it for everything else we do and there are no replacement, on this planet anyway.

Technology will save us, but we have to be developing what we need now while we have time to do so. If we leave it too late then technology won’t be there and we won’t be able to develop it.

Our population, both here and on the planet as a whole, is increasing. Food supply can still keep up but our competition will be for water and food. Both abundant at the moment but not infinite. More mouths to feed, usually at tax payers expense means that food priorities will be looked at. Cheaper foods and rationing will be put upon us. Already all we do to our bodies is dictated by a bunch of puritans in control. Too much salt, too much sugar, fizzy drinks. Soon it will be too much meat and you should be eating more lettuce and potatoes. The government already legislates that you can’t take drugs or have sex with someone willing to have sex with you harming no one else, how big a step is it to legislate no more steak to save the planet.

Then if you complaint. You are a terrorist, another overused word that is now a byword for control. Look at what we are restricted from doing to stop terrorism. Strip searched by goons at airports. Arrested for refusing to obey orders from the Stasi. If later on it was deemed those orders were illegal well tough luck. Your DNA is still stored and the goon gets no reprimand, all that happens is the force itself gets fined and as it is taxpayer funded that means we pay this to the government. What a scam. I can’t get chemicals as someone may build a bomb. The list goes on. One of my favourites is that if you deal in cash they have limits at the banks and if you exceed them the Stasi is informed. Well they also monitor values that don’t exceed it and investigate you for those and they always ask what the cash is from. I wonder if anyone has ever said drug sales. I asked my daughter to convert 3 £10 notes into 6 £5 notes and they wouldn’t do it. Insisting she put the £30 into her account and then withdrawing from there. All to stop us using cash and keep us on easily tracked electronic transfers.

Fact No 8. Our government is educating everyone to be compliant. Or face a bunch of armed goons at 0400.

At the current time the wheels are turning and we are moving on. Improvements are being made to everything which allows us to continue to grow and live pretty much as we have but with those improvements we introduce risk. The population in the UK is now beyond what we can grow here. If anything was to happen to the infrastructure then within a few days everything that is available to be purchased will be sold with nothing coming in. Our government may do what they are doing in Venezuela but we just won’t have the capability to create enough within our borders. If the issue is just us then as a basket case we will get help, with T&C’s of course, but if it is global, which it probably will be we will be on our own and have to come to a balance internally. As the food won’t be increasing this means the population must drop. How being the key question.

It can’t go on forever. The music will stop sometime, sooner rather than later despite everything they are doing to keep it going.

Fact No 9. Our lying corrupt politicians know this and are unwilling to do anything about it.

They have their reasons. For some it is that they simply deny that it is the case. Life can continue as it has for the last few decades. Others just want to grab as much as they can so when the music stops they will be better placed. Some just don’t have the intellect to understand what is going on but lucky for them we are even worse.

Fact No 10. Facing up to risks means you can mitigate around them.

If we examine the risks and set things in motion to avoid or minimise the impact we improve our chances in the future.

Keep your head down and don’t rock the boat. Pay for what you can with cash.

Look after you and yours as No 1 priority.

Fact No 11. Life isn’t fair.

There are no guarantees though. Shit happens. Life isn’t fair. Enjoy it as much as you can while you prep. It may be all you get.