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How we need to prepare


Reducing risks with storage

One area that we all have issues with is storage. I simply do not have enough space to store all my preps in the house or the grounds of the house. It is probably just as well as I would be likely to do that and store everything there. All my eggs in one basket. Isn’t a very good way of doing things but sometimes you are driven into a position and you can do little else.

I’m lucky in some ways because I have managed to spread my preps around and thus it is unlikely I will lose them all in one go.

This creates other problems though and that is that I can’t afford to make all these locations identical. I just can’t make every storage area the same. I’m lucky though as I have managed to store similar amounts of water, food, clothing and medical items plus core items like water filters and standard tools. Some items however I have one of, I have one dinghy, one diesel generator, one oscilloscope, one lathe, etc. I just have to take the risk that they will be safe in my primary location.

To help in the event that I have to move I have also split my stores across several bags, boxes and locations at each site. This means that although all my water at each site is actually stored across separate boxes which means if I have to run for it and I don’t have time to pack simply grabbing any box will ensure that I have at the minimum 2L water, food and some first aid items plus whatever else is in that box. Obviously given time I would have sorted out exactly what I want but this is really a last ditch desperate grab when I exit quickly.

This means that I have quite a lot of smaller, cheaper items. Every box has things like water, snack bars, biscuits, a couple of dozen sachets of sugar, salt, pepper usually from McDonalds or somewhere similar plus tea bags and coffee, matches, soaps, change of underwear, emergency blankets, bandages, screwdrivers and bits sets. Most boxes have compasses, tools, first aid kits, sewing kits, a complete change of clothes, water filters and some food items like pasta, rice, biscuits and dried fruit.

Each box will also have something else in it like an axe, maps, a handsaw, spectacles of varying strengths, binoculars, games, boots, larger more obscure medical kits and/or books. No two boxes are exactly the same. One box has all the OS Landranger maps for my area and all the surrounding area, another has all the OS Explorer maps, again from my area and all the surrounding areas. I have laminated OS Landranger maps of my area, one in each rucksack plus some in other boxes. Each map comes with a map reading compass.

I have a list for each uniquely labelled box with every item I have in there. Every item is recorded, if it has 12 pencils in there then they go on the list, kids chalks, on the list. I’m anal like that and what it does mean is I can quickly look for what I want and find it.

Boxes that contain unique items, like my lab gear, are in easily identifiable boxes, no point in grabbing them as they only contain lab gear and no point in separating them out as they are pretty useless individually. So all or nothing there.

I do have some areas for concern. Some items need batteries, batteries won’t last forever and experience has shown that rechargeable batteries become permanently flat batteries pretty quick if not kept topped up and so I identify what items need batteries in each box and attach that to the outside. Thus I can hopefully grab a box of batteries as I exit to power items in the box. I also help myself by standardizing on AA batteries where possible. Of course it isn’t always possible and I have a variety of battery types I need although no key items need batteries. I have torches but I also have tea lights and hurricane lanterns.

Sounds good. Everything under control by an anal control freak. Pretty much except for one thing. A long time ago I packed several items, books, knives, lab equipment, electrical equipment away in a hurry. never documented a thing and although I know exactly where everything is. I have no idea how to lay my hands on it, whatever it is is in one of the many boxes in the loft. Put there fifteen years ago when I boxed everything while sorted out the house and I’ve never sorted the boxes because it is such a big job.

I’m starting to do that now. I need to document the books and pull information from them. Some are irreplaceable, my organic synthesis books were built up over a long time and you can’t find them now unless a decent library is closing down. Others are banned. Ooops. There I am moving up the list again.

One area that made me want to catalogue the old stuff properly is that I have been prepping since I was a kid. I was a boy scout, (They wouldn’t let me join the guides, sexual discrimination I say), and I collected many items on my travels both here and abroad. I need to catalogue them so I can sort out the illegal ones that have been forgotten about.

All in all though it is time consuming as well as boring and we all have something better to do but if, when, the time comes I will know with certainty that if I grab something and flee I won’t end up hiding out with a box full of soap and shampoos with no water, no food and nothing to keep me warm in a hostile environment.

Using Greece as an example

With the issues in Greece showing what value democracy is in this century we have an opportunity to look at a country in chaos that is not caused by War. All other examples in our lifetime have been caused by War in one shape or form and are thus not viable for us in our preps for a banking collapse leading to societal collapse.

I’d like to state up front that this is my opinion only and not the output from some think tank other than Skean Dhude’s It’s Bleeding Obvious Think Tank.

I thought there were a few surprises that came out of the Greek Tragedy (I couldn’t resist that) although nothing totally unexpected, I was just surprised how open they were about their treatment of Democracy.

First of all.

  • The politicians lied all the way through.
  • The protection of their precious domain was their number 1 priority.
  • They didn’t care in the slightest about the ordinary people.
  • They kept the banks closed to hold the people to ransom.

All that is political and we can expect the same when it comes to our turn. What I was interested in was;

  • Three weeks without cash for most people and they carried on pretty much as normal.
  • No mass die offs with starvation.
  • No mass rioting over food.
  • No sign of plod fighting off people trying to do, well anything.
  • They voted in their own self interests. No surprise there.
  • They didn’t like it when the EU pushed back and screwed them.

The main bits I took away was the way that except for the political shenanigans and the cash being withheld there wasn’t that much that happened to them on a societal collapse basis. I’ve thought long and hard about this and have come to the following conclusions, which may not be correct.

When it comes to our turn.

  • There will be nobody to bail us out. The UK and Germany are the net contributors to this failed experiment.
  • Our demographics are different. Just look at who was rioting at all the riots over the last decade.
  • Our infrastructure is different. We have so many shops catering to just in time buyers.
  • Our societal solidarity is much weaker. Family ties are much less than they were.

All this in my view makes us more likely to run riot if, when, the same thing happens here. The only saving grace is that it doesn’t appear that people left their familiar surroundings and we can but hope for the same thing here.

Finally, I think that it will come as a big shock to people here. even now with the data showing that we each owe a lot more then every Greek and watching on the TV how much control they have over it all I hear here is that ‘They took they money. If they can’t pay it back that is their problem’ Despite my statement of how much control do we have and how much do we owe they just see the whole situation as ;’Different’ It just is isn’t it.

Until it is our turn.

Out with the Plebs

Away last week and this on a course about dealing with people. Pretty interesting but mainly common sense and knowledge that I’ve picked up over the years so it has been more of a consolidation course and refresher.

So envisage this; group of 12 of varying ages between 30 and 60 and over several evenings they are captive in a room with a grumpy old bastard talking about everything under the sun.

One of the many subjects that came up was the economy. We do a lot of work on government contracts and although I’m not part of that working for another sector there was lots of comments about budgets being cut, new legislation which will lead to increased stealth taxes in one way or another and what the impact would be on our company and us. Although it became apparent that skilled people are leaving our company in droves already, I was surprised to hear, with no jobs to go to. Something wrong there I’m obviously protected from things in my area.

We talked about Greece and compared it to the UK, everyone agreed, we discussed the debt, everyone agreed it was unsustainable and we discuss the Muslim menace, everyone agreed. Seems we had agreement on almost everything. It was too good to be true.

As we talked about Greece though it was interesting that the banks had been shut for a few weeks, the people didn’t have much money for food so they were living off what they had. They must have had plenty of food out there because I don’t remember reading about starvation or major hardship. I suspect that living in Greece with it’s infrastructure made them store more in their pantry. I envisage that in the UK the store would not be as full as many many people here shop daily and use the stores as their pantries with the better infrastructure, daily deliveries and convienience stores everywhere.

The feeling was among this highly paid group, all of us are on more than the everage wage, was that the only difference between labour and the conservatives is that the current government party’s name was harder to spell. They all believe that something is going to happen soon but nobody, except for yours truly, is preparing in any way. It worked out is was too good to be true.

One interesting thing though. A few of them knew relatives that were preparing. It sounded interesting so I queried a bit more. It seems that in one case the prepper had invited this guy and his family over if anything happened. The other knew someone who prepped but didn’t really understand how much prepping had been done. Both said they would go to the preppers house after an event. The one who had been invited was going to pick up his wifes extended family on the way even though they had not been invited because the house was big enough for them all. He had no idea if the person had invited anyone else and when I said that the prepper couldn’t really be upset with him bringing some food with him just laughed.

I see a few people in for a shock if anything happens but they are all happily planning their holidays for this year.

More social engineering screws up the self reliant

Our masters still desire to socially engineer everyone in the UK and are still using the global warming scam as an excuse to do so. Basically, because there are still a lot of dickheads out there that believe that humans are changing the environment and need to be instructed on what to do to ensure we do the right thing.

So the latest proposal by SJWs is that we move away from fossil fuels for the cars and make them all electric. This will soon expand to include gas and diesel for home heating so that the only power generation allowed with be electric. They will control that as without a supply of fuel all our generators, cookers and cars will be useless. Doesn’t matter how much you personally put aside it just simply won’t last.

Of course they will be able to get all the fuel they want for their use but we will be reliant on electricity. When it gets a bit awkward as fuel will become uneconomic to process just for them and so they will then spend the several million required, ironically at our expense, to put in a small nuclear power plant as in some campuses in the US, and several military installations. Well out of our reach of course.

Despite how science fiction this sounds and how far away it sounds I can see it coming, just look at what has happened to tobacco over the last few years. Demonised and for all intents and purposes it is being excised from our memories with films and even cartoons being censored in the name of public health by the SJWs. Despite the fact that diesel fumes are significantly worse and it can be proven too.

I’m looking at sticking to diesel atm and when it becomes scarce I’m going to turn to alcohol. Make sure your engine will run on home made alcohol. It’ll be illegal to make by the time we need it but it won’t have to be drinking grade as we will be using it for fuel.