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How we need to prepare


Giving money away to those that need it more than you

Just been having a discussion about banks and I decided to have a look around at what could happen if Greece goes the No route today.

There seems to be two key things that will happen.

1) Greece will be screwed for some time to come and life there will be unpleasant.
People will adapt and like everywhere else some will weather the economic storm better than others. Those that have stuck to the good old ways will be better that those that owe a lot of money.

2) Everyone with money in the bank will lose some of that money.
An interesting comment at a SciFi writers site, VoxDay;

Remember, a deposit is just an unsecured loan to a bank. So, a bail-in is simply the bank unilaterally telling you that it is not going to pay back a percentage of the loan and will no longer be paying interest on the portion that it will not be paying back.

Why anyone would want to loan to such a borrower without collateral for the paltry amount of interest available, knowing that the borrower can decide at any time how much they want to pay you back (if they want to pay you back at all), is an interesting question to contemplate.

Says it all really and makes me want to contact my employer and get paid in cash. I might try that and see how it goes. In the meantime I get paid just before my bills are due, I set it up that way. I will start to empty my account after the bills are paid and pay everything else by credit card or cash.

In the meantime keep plenty of cash outside your bank and only use it where you need to.

The only downside of this is that our thieving government could devalue the cash in circulation but it won’t happen overnight so you can convert it to something worthwhile. Precious Metals, Prepping stuff, drugs, guns.

Drawing a line in the sand

In many of these posts I write about everyone drawing a line in the sand and although we all make the same sort of statements we all actually draw the line in the sand at different places. Many, perhaps the best, make the line in the sand appear closer than it is and never have people crossing that line while other people’s lines are continually crossed and yet it doesn’t trigger any reaction.

The reason being is that in reality the drawing of the line is more of a symbolic act than a definition of intent and the reason it is in sand is it can be moved to suit the occasion. To some it is a statement and regardless of the situation the line has been crossed so someone must pay. Regardless of the morality of the situation.

In the US a bunch of limp wristed liberal SJWs are wetting themselves because of a flag. A flag that stands for freedom against government but they are equating it with the Nazi Flag in their hysterical announcements. Hijacking it to their cause and therefore tainting it forever.


I’m very careful what lines I draw and I am pretty realistic in what I can do and what I can’t. I’m not prepared to be a martyr but I am prepare to support those that stand up and be counted. I already put my head above the parapet and risk my livelihood providing information and supporting you in your preps. I’m showing the flag as support for all our US cousins in their fight against the SJWs both here and abroad. I’ll keep it up till the law is amended and we can no longer have free speech. We need to fight against that.


One skill to win them all

I’ve been hearing that people have been asking the question which one skill would you need to survive a crash similar to the one around 1930?

I hate artificial constructs and this is so artificial. You see I think that there are two things here;

1. We don’t actually know what the future holds for us

When I finish my time machine I’m going to go back in time and make a killing in the 1930s stock market as well as all the economic downturns since. Buy stock in IBM/Microsoft/Google/Facebook and all these other things. I’ll even stock up on weapons to avoid the bans put in place over the last 100 years. I’ll then use it to pop forward in time and find out what to spend my my ill gotten gains on to ensure my survival.

In the absence of my time machine I have to ask what single skill is most important?

There is no single skill that is so critical we don’t need any knowledge of other skills.

2. Everyone needs a broad range of skills

Nobody has one single skill that they can say is the way they make their way through life. Everyone has a mixture of skills and this is what they use, with varying degrees of success, to move through their life and surviving. People can add to these skills or they can utilise other peoples skills in areas which they believe they need other skills for.

We take our existing skills and life from them or we enhance them via some method and we live from that.

That is how we get on in life and to be honest there isn’t really any other way of doing it.

It is however very unusual to find, and I can’t think of anyone, who has just one skill. This makes the questions pretty meaningless unless you know the other skills that that person has which they wish to compliment with the skill that they identify.

Personally, I would say it depends on the circumstances. So what is going to happen and what skill am I short of? Without knowing the first how can you answer the second?

Poultry update

Well it seems that I have just acquired some ducks for fathers day. Whoo Hoo kids.


Here are the two new ducks facing up to the bantams in their new run. Had to put chicken wire along the bottom as their first action was to make a run for it straight through the run wiring and out to freedom.

They appear to be settling in but still spend a lot of time under the coop.