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How we need to prepare


Mental issues

According to statistics mental issues are on the rise. Ranging from those that are insane and cannot function, which are thankfully few, those that are simply insane and still walk among us, which are also thankfully few, to those for some reason are classed as mentally ill for some reason.

This will give us a […]

Audience Participation

Things are clearly much different in the UK to our close cousins in the US. It isn’t just to do with numbers as I find that many more US people are self reliant compared to us in the UK who have grown up looked after by the nanny state. It’ll end badly for someone, exactly […]

The versatile pumpkin

Halloween is approaching and there are several pumpkins in the house. £1 each for a pumpkin seems a bargain to me considering that as well as entertainment we are looking at providing seeds for next year as well as seeds and flesh for eating. How good is that?

At Halloween we normally cut and hollow […]

Restraining prisoners

Another area that does not get much consideration but needs at least a little thought is the requirement for us to restrain people. There are several scenarios that require restraining people ranging from a few minutes to the rest of their lives. You may also need to interact and trust the captive or their relatives […]