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This site will help you generate Shopping Lists and To Do Lists from your specific set of risks and concerns. The Get Started Here page, also available via the Toolbar, will walk you through it.

The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare


It’s Winter Germ Season

Can you prevent getting a bout of flu? Well, not really, but here’s a hell of a lot you can do to minimise your chances of getting this very common, debilitating and sometimes fatal condition.

Firstly, realise that you can’t prevent others from walking around and happily sharing their germs with everyone else including you, […]

There be changes afoot

I’m making some changes to the sites in the new year.

The main site – SurvivalUK.Net

This will remain pretty much the same format. However, now I’m going to try and increase the number of articles by bribing people to write some because it’s always the same few, and their input is greatly appreciated, but […]

Catagories of scenarios

There are so many scenarios that we can face but they can be catagorised easily enough as they fall into a couple of areas as far as we are concerned;

1) Large scale die off so less competition for resources. 2) Slow die off due to starvation so massive competition for resources. 3) Initial die […]

XMas time is here again

It’s coming up to XMas and as usual my mind, eventually, turns to buying XMas presents. Women of course have everything sorted by February but I’m still looking the last week before XMas day.

My problemis I never know what to buy. Too many things to choose from.

Now you would think that buying for […]