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How we need to prepare


British Pluck

I think we need to face facts. The British Pluck has gone from public view. Replaced by metrosexuals who get their hair highlighted, their nails manicured and cry when they get frustrated or they see a dead animal in the road. Our society sees this as progress. The violence is being beaten out of us. […]

The difficult questions

We are all quite comfortable putting aside tins, gaining knowledge for the event we are certain is going to arrive and we all put aside what we can afford and prepare in our own little way.

The one thing we cannot really prep for are the difficult questions facing us after an event;

Handing intruders […]

Everything stops for tea

I have been down in the south of the country staying with the in-laws for a few days. Lovely people they are, good looking, large bank accounts, beautiful large home, perfect children. The garden is big enough for a very, very decent survival garden, the koi carp in the pond would provide several very decent […]

Waiting for the axe to fall

I don’t know about you but I was expecting something to happen during the Olympics. I’m glad it didn’t as the longer we can go on the better it is for all of us. We collect more preps and live comfortably now. Although I do wonder sometimes if the axe is going to fall in […]