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The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare


Bank Holiday Weekend Work

Bit of a damp squib for most of it as I wanted to get out and sort out the bees before I’m away for a few weeks but was held up by the weather.

Got out there on Sunday though and sorted them out. Found a few queen cells which is a precursor for swarming […]

Tobacco Storage

Been reading up about storing tobaccco. It’s going to be the next big thing I think. Being driven up in price and taxed to a tremendous extent it is a prime candidate for storage even before you take into account it is treated by the puritans worse than crack cocaine.

I’d always just thought that […]

Looking for a new Logo and Banner

Since I have been going I have had several comments about my Logo and my Banner. Although I am comfortable with them as I see the banner being a debris hut, that nobody has recognised, so what could be better than that in my view and the logo is simply someone out fending for themselves […]

Catch Up

Well it has been a while but to be honest not a lot has happened. I’ve not done much on my projects as they are on hold but I’ve still been meeting and talking with a few preppers and still been storing stuff away for an acid rainy day. So prepping and life have gone […]