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How we need to prepare


Cowboys and Indians

It looks like we have a go for the Bow and Arrow weekend. I have arranged a field on the outskirts of Chester for Saturday the 9th June 2012.

I’ve bought a bow, some arrows and a target for us to use. If you have your own equipment then bring it along and show us […]

Bow and Arrows revisited

I bought my bow and arrow set from Charlies. £36 seems a good buy however they had run out of arrows and I’ll need them. They are getting some in next week and when I go I’ll get a target then as well. I’ll try the bow out and let you know how it goes. […]

Meeting Report

Well the meet went ahead on Saturday and I had quite an interesting time. I hope the other attendees did to. I took a couple of carrier bags of books for people to look at and stacked them on the table ready for a discussion point.

There were four attendees besides myself in the end […]

Get together

Busy today with the get together near Chester. Report to follow.