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How we need to prepare


The luxury of education

To follow on from yesterdays article on keeping kids entertained in a survival situation we need to look at what would happen if the situation was long term. First of all there would be no education at all bar what you were teaching your kids. No school to send them to and no advice, curriculum […]

Bulk buying

Another area where we seem to lose out in the UK is with bulk buying. Our supermarkets and warehouses do not seem to sell anything in the sort of quantities we want nor do they offer significant discounts to private citizens.

Although that happens quite a lot in the US I’ve noticed that several preppers […]

Building a Survival Community in the UK

I’m primarily looking at a community in the UK here although the same applies to other countries. The information here will probably apply to whatever country you are in anyway.

One area where we as Survivalists seem to miss out on is meeting others like ourselves although we do interact with like minded others via […]

Living sustainably

I find it ironic that the Greens want us to abandon civilisation and revert to living from the land using sustainable resources in a futile attempt to stop the planet changing as it has done for billions of years. How egotistical, we believe we have the power of gods and evolution stops with us. Most […]